
Our Formula: Information or Inspiration? We believe all training can be separated into these two categories. Information is best transferred through digital training sources while inspiration will always be most impactful through live events.

Live Stand-Up Training is the tried and true method for delivering messages of inspiration. In-person training at its best allows participants a clear observation of their own attitudes and behaviors and offers opportunity for growth. This can never be replaced by digital tools.

Digital Training is the ideal format for the delivery of any content where the primary focus is on the transfer of information. Our digital training platform has a broad bandwidth of capability, allowing us to deliver your information in a fun, engaging way and provide detailed analytics to track participant competencies. Features include gamification, optimized reinforcement schedules and quizzes.

We aren’t the only agency to have a blend of live and digital training, but knowing when and how to deploy each is what distinguishes us.

Virtual Training is the perfect platform for presentation-based learning that needs to be facilitated remotely. We develop and deliver training content on the following platforms.